Before The Factory Process ......
- The fresh Apricots harvested by hands are carried into the farmer’s depot in the baskets.
- Before the dehydration process, Apricots will be kept in the smoking room for a day (smoked by SO2).
- SO2 dose depends on the Apricots’ volume and room capacity. Apricots are treated by sulphure dioxide (SO2) for color retention.
- Apricots spread down under the sun for dehydration and will be kept 2 – 3 days under the sunshine.
- Dehydration period depends on moisture and temperature.
- Apricots are separated from their seeds.
- Shelled apricots beaded down again for 3 days more under the sunshine.

After The Apricot Orchard Process ...... in Factory
Pre Washing : Once we get apricot from the farmers. we do the pre-wash process by the use of pressurized fresh water forremoving foreign materials from the surface of the apricot through a converter belt ,after the apricots are washed in this processthey are rinsed and kept clear from foreign materials.
Cleaning Step : One of the most important process in apricot preparation is the table cleaning.Workers inspect all the apricot one by one on the table and clean all the foreign materials which are on the apricot and at the same time each row on the cleaning unit has a leader for making sure the required quality is always maintained.
Second Washing : After the apricots are washed in this processthey are rinsed and kept clear from foreign materials.After the pre washing process is done main washing is done by using soft brushes to remove embedded dirts from the apricots.
Sizing Unit : As soon as the cleaning process is over,we do the classification of apricot,a classification shaker easily separates differentsize of products ranging from no.1 to no.8,apricots are picked into baskets according to their sizes.

Quality Control : We pay major attention in the process of buying good quality apricots from the farmers,once this iş fullfilled, we do the prewashing and washing process very carefully and we control the cleaning unit very attentively for maintaining the best standards the our esteem costumers are looking forward to,and we do check moisture and SO2 level at all the required periods.
Packaging Process : Packaging is also one of the main important issues in apricot, we do private label packaging ,our main packaging is by cartons of 5Kg and12.5 Kg but we also do special packaging according to costumer’s demand. All packed products are passed through metal detector

Metal Dedector : At the begining of the production and half an hour period,
sensivity control is done with test bars and recorded to Metal Detector Form

Shipment Process : After All packed products are passed through metal detecto the packaging process the goods are ready for shipment,we do shipment by sea and road,this depends on the costumer’s demand.
Transit Times by Container Shipment :
İzmir – Rotterdam/Ansvers/Hamburg/Felixtow 10-14 days
İzmir – Mediterranian Ports 6-8 days
İzmir – Ports in North America 14-20 days
İzmir – Ports in South America 25-35 days
İzmir – Ports in Far East 30-35 days
Mersin-Ports of Avustralia 20-25 days
Mersin-Quebec Port in Canada 35 days
Mersin-Nhava Sheva,Mumbai,Chennai in India 27 days
Mersin,Samsun-Russia Ports 3-19 days .